Website Refresh 2024


As I look back on my journey over the past year, I'm excited to share the evolution of my personal website with you. This time, I've focused on minimalism to make it easy to maintain and scale.

Evolution of My Personal Website

Starting as a frontend developer has been a continuous learning adventure. Each day brought its own challenges and rewards, from mastering new technologies to adapting industry best practices. These experiences laid the foundation for the changes you'll see on my personal website.

My website has long served as my digital canvas, reflecting my skills and interests. Check out the previous versions below:

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5

Over the years, my websites have evolved from colorful designs to minimalist approaches. I started my coding journey in 2019 with simple stacks like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then moved on to frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS. By the end of 2022, I ventured into the React.js ecosystem.

How it's going

This is what I came up with after a few weeks of nights and weekends. The design stands on the shoulders of those I admire and look up to in my field of UI development. These people inspired me to ditch the noise and reject the traps found in over-designing, favoring an approach of simplicity that showcases what really matters—the content.

Shout-out to Julien Thibeaut, Emil Kowalski, Paco Coursey, Lee Robinson, DSS site and others for all of the inspiration. The essence of the redesign lies in simplicity and minimalism. My aim is to offer visitors a seamless and enjoyable experience. The clean interface enhances the overall user experience and keeps the focus on my work. By stripping away unnecessary distractions, I hope to create an immersive environment where my projects, thoughts, and ideas can shine. This redesign is an ongoing journey, reflecting my growth and commitment to providing the best experience for my visitors.

Tech Stack

That's it! I hope you enjoyed reading about my journey and the process behind refreshing my website. I'm proud of the outcome, and I think it represents me well. I'm hoping I can start mid-year 2024 off strong and share more about myself, my process, and the things I'm interested in.

Thank you for visiting!